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Etan Thomas Electrifies Anti-War Washington
Etan Thomas Electrifies Anti-War Washington

September 29, 2005
Every generation the wide world of corporate sports produces an athlete with the iron resolve and moral urgency to step off their pedestal and join the fight for social justice. A century ago, it was boxer Jack Johnson, flaunting, as WEB DuBois put it,

Redeeming the Olympic Martyrs of 1968
Redeeming the Olympic Martyrs of 1968

September 22, 2005
Opening Graph: On October 2, 1968, right before the start of the games, Mexican Security police murdered as many as 400 students and workers at La Plaza de las Tres Culturas in Tlatelolco, Mexico City. Today we remember that violent echo of 1968. We remember those put down like dogs for the crime of peaceful assembly. We can remember at long last, without tears, because of news Monday that a measure of closure may finally be coming for the families that have waged a 37-year quest for truth, justice, and a pound of flesh.

Etan Thomas Rises to the Occasion
Etan Thomas Rises to the Occasion

September 19, 2005
Sports stars are generally known more for their narcissism than their compassion, but in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, athletes have expressed a tremendous amount of altruism and anguish over the amount of human suffering the storm has caused. That's not surprising, when you consider that more than 100 professional athletes come from the Gulf Coast, an area whose deep poverty, institutionalized racism and year-round sunshine combine to offer the requisite conditions for athletic success.

The Superdome: Monument to a Rotten System
The Superdome: Monument to a Rotten System

September 6, 2005
There is nothing

Fade To Black
Fade To Black

August 31, 2005
LA Dodgers Outfielder, and anger management class alumnus, Milton Bradley has been called everything from "perennially enflamed" to "certifiably insane." But his voice was as calm as the Dead Sea when he addressed reporters last week.

Pedaling Away From Principle: Lance Armstrong Cozies Up To Bush
Pedaling Away From Principle: Lance Armstrong Cozies Up To Bush

August 23, 2005

Firing Fallout Falls on Felipe
Firing Fallout Falls on Felipe

August 16, 2005
So you say you wanna be a racist? Put down that burning cross! Rip up your white hood! Throw away your CD of

Si Se Puede: Felipe Alou Stands Up to Bigotry
Si Se Puede: Felipe Alou Stands Up to Bigotry

August 8, 2005
When KNBR's Larry Krueger decided to spice up his baseball coverage with a little immigrant bashing, he picked on the wrong guy: SF Giants manager Felipe Alou.

Rafael Palmeiro and the Politics of Distraction
Rafael Palmeiro and the Politics of Distraction

August 3, 2005

Why Lance Must Break With Bush
Why Lance Must Break With Bush

July 26, 2005
Lance Armstrong is reveiving a gusher of well deserved praise for his seventh straight Tour de France victory. But when his "old friend" George W. Bush sent well wishes, it seemed to strike an odd note considering Armstrong's comments following his victory. They weren't about the Alps, the cobbled Paris streets, or the new bell on his handlebars. They were about Iraq.