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The Rotting Soul of the San Francisco 49ers
The Rotting Soul of the San Francisco 49ers

June 8, 2005
There is an old expression that "the fish rots from the head." Right now the San Francisco 49ers are stinking like a salmon in the sun.

Dave's interview with Chuck D "On the Real"
Dave's interview with Chuck D "On the Real"

June 5, 2005
Hear Dave's interview with Chuck D on the June 5th episode of Chuck D's Air America radio show "On the Real".

Why Pat Tillman's Parents Are No Longer Silent
Why Pat Tillman's Parents Are No Longer Silent

May 31, 2005
When former Arizona Cardinals football player turned Army Ranger Pat Tillman died in Afghanistan, sonorous bugles moaned from coast to coast.

When Ronaldo Went to Palestine....
When Ronaldo Went to Palestine....

May 26, 2005
Global soccer icon Ronaldo went to Palestine to spread "goodwill" and "peace". But one little boy's dreams of meeting his hero went unanswered - as not even the mighty Ronaldo is fast enough to pass a military checkpoint.

Ozzie Guillen and Fining for Freedom
Ozzie Guillen and Fining for Freedom

May 23, 2005
Superficially, it appeared to be the typical Sports Illustrated puff piece. Two thousand words on "the story of the early baseball season," the surprise Chicago White Sox.

Steve Nash Wins the MVP: And It Feels So Good!
Steve Nash Wins the MVP: And It Feels So Good!

May 12, 2005
Steve Nash won the MVP despite two historical hindrances: playing point guard, and being an open and public anti-war voice. Check out the story behind the Canadian whippet also known as Steve Nash.

The NFL, Congress, and the Male Cheerleader Principle
The NFL, Congress, and the Male Cheerleader Principle

May 1, 2005
When Major League baseball was dragged in front of Congress, they were publicly fileted for their steroid policies. The NFL on the other hand, was treated with hugs and kisses. Here's a theory why.

Straight Outta High School: Jermaine O'Neal, Race, and Hip Hop
Straight Outta High School: Jermaine O'Neal, Race, and Hip Hop

April 21, 2005
Jermaine O'Neal 'made it plain' regarding David Stern's plans to raise the minimum age requirement for NBA rookies. But what did the ensuing uproar tell us about today's NBA - and the marketing fears of NBA bosses? Read and find out!

War Games and War Names
War Games and War Names

April 12, 2005
Why the National Guard Bought the Rights to RFK Stadium in Washington

Stop the March Madness
Stop the March Madness

April 5, 2005
Pay the Damn Players!